
Donate to  City Greens Market

Help us make healthy food available and affordable in our neighborhood.

Over the past 15 years, City Greens Market has grown from a table in a school basement to a flourishing community grocery storefront - a one of a kind example of how a neighborhood can take control of its own food supply.

Help us see that City Greens continues its mission! By donating to our cause, you directly contribute to making healthy, local, affordable food available to residents of a St. Louis food desert. Thank you.


We’re also always looking to accept new or gently used items for our market and community garden.

At the moment, we’re in need of:


  • wheelbarrow or truck cart
  • cork board
  • flat screen tv
  • gardening gloves
  • gardening tools
  • flower pots
  • pens & markers
  • storage containers
  • cleaning rags
  • file folders
  • paper grocery bags


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